Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is primarily comprised of 10th-12th Grade Students, as well as select freshmen who audition into the band. Placement in the Symphonic Band is dependent upon solid fundamentals, consistent practice habits, and commitment to the band program. This ensemble primarily performs Grade III and IV music.
ExpectationsAll expectations help us to achieve our goal of musical excellence.
Dates to KnowOct 2 - Fruit Sale #1 Begins
Oct 23 - End of 1st 9 Weeks Nov 6 - Fruit #1 Orders Due Nov 6 - Fall Concert (attendance is for a grade) Nov 15 - Fruit #1 Delivery Nov 27 - Fruit #2 Orders Due Nov 28 - Dickens of a Christmas (select performers only) Dec 6 - Fruit #2 Delivery Dec 12 - Christmas Parade (select performers only) Dec 21 - End of Semester JAN 20 - REGION BAND AUDITIONS |
EtcMore soon!